function randomGen($min, $max)
// setup our seed
srand((float) microtime() * 10000000);
// Generate the number
$random = rand($min,$max);
// Return the number
return $random;
/*adjust these numbers to display a random number within a range-
make sure the low number is on the left.*/
$random_number = randomGen(10,25);
echo " There are " .$random_number. " visitors online";
?> |
Link to adopt a fish |
If you would like to put a link on your website to our adopt a fish website, feel free to do so.
You can put a text link on your website by copying and pasting the following code on your website:
<a href="http://www.adoptafish.org/"><span style="text-decoration: none">Discus Fish</span></a>
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You can also use the following code if you wish to display this image link
instead of a plain text link by copying and pasting this code on your website:
<a href="http://www.adoptafish.org"><img border="0" src="http://www.adoptafish.org/html/images/adoptafish-banner-a.jpg" alt="Adoptafish.org Discus Fish Banner"></a>
Thanks for being a part of the wonderful fish world. |
January 23th, 11
Salt water fish require making a lot of adjustments once they are removed from their natural habitat and placed in the aquarium.
• read more |
April 24th, 11
There are various betta fish and are divided into two categories found on their breeding behavior.
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Entertainment all time favorite movies that have adopted their movie title from fish.
Released on July 15,1988, it is a law-breaking humorous film which centers round a gang of jewel-thieves and its aftermath, "a fish called wanda".