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Discus fish to buy

If one is looking for some good healthy discus fish to buy, the best place will generally be a reputable breeder or the local aquarium store. However, because of its great demand and popularity, there are many online stores too nowadays.

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These stores are just as good as any physical or traditional store and in fact make it very simple for anyone looking for some good quality discus fish to buy.

However whether it is the online store or the local aquarium, there are some common guide lines to remember.

While looking for discus fish to buy one should always look for a reputed and preferably a seasoned breeder. This will ensure that you have healthy fishes. Discus fishes are quite sensitive and prone to stress if they are breed in unfavorable breeding conditions. In order to avoid this one should spend some time with the breeder.

Also one must spend some time researching or gathering basic information about the various types of water and their chemistry. This is important because a discus fishes life span, health and their liveliness depends on the quality of water. Since they are fresh water fishes, keeping them in hard water should be avoided. One can combine hard water with soft water to achieve this. Water can also be softened by using a good osmosis filter too.

The accepted ph level is somewhere between 5.5 – 6.5 ph. Since acidic water can cause stress and shorten their life span. Even the temperature of the water in the aquarium should be regulated to a comfortable 27.5 to 30 degree C. This will ensure that you discus fishes are lively and be a delight to everyone.

One should also remember that these fishes love to socialize and live in groups in their natural environment. So it is always wise to keep more than one discus fish so as to replicate its natural environment. They should be fed thrice a day in contrast to fishes being fed only once, since they have voracious appetites.

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Entertainment all time favorite movies that have adopted their movie title from fish.

Released on July 15,1988, it is a law-breaking humorous film which centers round a gang of jewel-thieves and its aftermath, "a fish called wanda".

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