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Buying discus fish

iscus fish is a terrific hobby for most people. They not only are beautiful but also alert which makes it an interesting fish to own in one's aquarium.

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Although it is expensive, buying discus fish should not be difficult once the buyer notes the procedures before purchasing a discus fish.

Thus when buying discus fish, one should note if the fish are near the surface or not. If yes, then it indicates that it is not a healthy fish. Also, if the fish has uncommon spots, bloated gills or parasites hanging from their round-shaped body, it is strongly recommended to look for another discus fish.

Moreover, the responsiveness of the fish must be tested by feeding them. When the fish looks uninterested in the food, it is a sure sign that the fish is ill. Discus fish in tanks with a DNS (do not sell) label should not be purchased.

Furthermore, one must inquire for the dealer quarantine before buying discus fish. The minimum duration for the quarantine is two weeks. So, if the fish is quarantined longer than the given period, the better it will be for the buyer. It is done to ensure that discus fish does not spread any disease. One should inquire if the fish has been fed any medicine or if it has been de-wormed.

It is good to inspect the chemistry in the aquarium. The buyer should be well informed about managing the quality of water. The discus fish become very sensitive once they are removed from their natural habitat. Therefore, great care must be taken for them to survive. The quality of water, temperature ph level everything should be scrutinized.

Keeping in mind these tips will guarantee that one can buy a great and healthy discus fish without any problems.

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Salt water fish require making a lot of adjustments once they are removed from their natural habitat and placed in the aquarium.

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There are various betta fish and are divided into two categories found on their breeding behavior.

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Entertainment all time favorite movies that have adopted their movie title from fish.

Released on July 15,1988, it is a law-breaking humorous film which centers round a gang of jewel-thieves and its aftermath, "a fish called wanda".

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